1. 家居用品
灯 - Lamp/light:我需要一盏台灯 - I need a desk lamp.
沙发 - Sofa/couch:这个沙发很舒适 - This couch is very comfortable.
窗帘 - Curtain:请帮我把窗帘拉开 - Can you help me pull the curtains back?
2. 厨房用品
烤箱 - Oven:把它放进烤箱里面烤20分钟 - Put it in the oven and bake for 20 minutes.
搅拌器 - Mixer:可以借我一下你的搅拌器吗?- Can I borrow your mixer?
刀具- Knife set: 我需要一个好的刀具集合- I need a good knife set.
3. 浴室用品
牙刷 - Toothbrush:你的牙刷在哪里?- Where is your toothbrush?
肥皂 - Soap:能给我递一下肥皂吗?- Can you pass me the soap, please?
镜子 - Mirror:我需要看看自己的脸- I need to see my face in the mirror.
4. 电子产品
手机 - Mobile phone/cell phone: 你有手机吗?- Do you have a mobile phone?
笔记本电脑 - Laptop: 我需要一个新的笔记本电脑- I need a new laptop.
耳机 - Headphones: 我需要一副耳机- I need a pair of headphones.